Powerfull but still easy calculator for every day.
It is a simple but very powerful calculator for everyday use. You can use it just as a pocket calculator with percentage button and memory feature or you may turn it into a universal scientific tool. The live as-you-type expression view helps you never lose your place in a calculation.
Its very precise up to 40 digits, unlike a normal calculator that only provides 15 significant digits calculation.
Easy Calculator Pro supports date and time functions, may display result in various formats, can work with constants and mathematical functions.
Easy Calculator Pro allows you to keep all the history of your calculations, make notes, send by email or return values and expressions back to the calculator.
* Expression calculation.
* Calculation history.
* Advanced percent calculation (Discounts, Tax, Tips).
* Precision up to 40 significant decimal digits.
* Advanced result formatting. As: numbers, dates, percents, hex, oct, bin... representations.
* Can display result as fraction: 1.125 -> 9/8 or as 1+1/8
* Expression syntax highlight - easy reading.
* Exact error highlight - easy correction.
* Engineer and scientific functions.
* Date and time operations
* Radians and degrees with Degree-Minute-Second (DMS) feature
* Support angle measures in degree and decimal notation: d°mm' and d°m'.m
* Saving state between sessions.
* Memory feature.
* Smart-button technology.
* Predefined constants.
* Vibration on touch.
* In-app purchase donate feature. If you like this program, you may help us to maintain and improve the EasyCalPro Free.
Percent feature allows you easy ways to calculate tips, tax or discounts:
7*2 + 1.5*4 + 10%
Using the constants you can easy find out the radius of the Earth:
date (12;05; 15) + 40*7 - get date offset (40 weeks)
40/tan(37°23') - easy way to find height of building with angle of elevation.
Or find out the poker probability of specific pocket pair:
C(4; 2)/C(50; 2)
KW: engineer scientific advanced calculator, EasyCalcPro, tips calculations, navigational calculations.
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